
Phosphatidyl Choline

The phosphatidyl cholines, or PCs, are abundant phospholipids in animal and plant cells.


Major composition
Structure sn-1 sn-2 Description
palmitic acid (16:0)
oleic acid (18:1n-9)
animal and plant cells in general
palmitic acid (16:0)
linoleic acid (18:2n-6)
animal and plant cells in general
palmitic acid (16:0)
palmitic acid (16:0)
active surfactant and major in pulmonary surface
Ether-type PC

The sn-1 position of PC can be ether form instead of the standard acyl form. The 1-alkylated chain has 16 or 18 carbons and present in all kinds of cells. A particular 1-alkyl-2-acetyl PC is called platelet activating factor (PAF) [1], and it also is a inflammation mediator. Synthetic alkyl lipids, such as edelfosine (1-O-octadecyl-2-O-methyl-PC), function as antitumor agents.

PCの sn-1 はエーテル結合の場合もあり、鎖長16または18のものがほぼ全ての細胞に見つかります。特に 1-アルキル-2アセチルのPCは血小板活性化因子 (PAF) と呼ばれ、炎症をひきおこします。edelfosineのように両方がアルキルの合成PCは抗腫瘍効果を示します。

Alkenyl-type PC

The 1-alk-1′-enyl-2-acyl-PCs are called alkenylphosphatidylcholines (or plasmenylcholines). Together with plasmenyl ethanolamine forms, they are called plasmalogens and mainly localize in peroxysomes.



Signaling agent

The hydrolysis of PC by phospholipases C and D in response to agonists such as platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) produces phosphatidic acid and phosphocholine.



The 2-lyso-derivatives by the phospholipase A2 activity stimulate phagocyte recruitment and phagocytosis. They also cause demyelination of dendrites.


LDL recognition

sn-2 oxidized forms of PC16:0-18:1 and PC16:0-22:4 function as the ligands for CD36 receptor. Macrophages use them to identify oxidized forms of low density lipoprotein (LDL).[2]

PC16:0-18:1 や PC16:0-22:4 の sn-2 が酸化してアルデヒドやアルコールになったものがCD36受容体のリガンドになります。マクロファージがこれらの分子を認識して酸化LDLを見分けます。


Chlamydomonas reinhardtii completely lack PCs, and its functions are complemented with diacylglyceryltrimethyl-homoserine (DGTS).[3][4] Other chlamydomonas species contain both PCs and DGTSs.

Chlamydomonas reinhardtii はPCを全く持たず、その機能はジアシルグリセリルトリメチルホモセリン (DGTS) で代替されています。他のクラミドモナスは PC も DGTS も持っています。

  1. Demopoulos CA, Pinckard RN, Hanahan DJ (1979) "Platelet-activating factor. Evidence for 1-O-alkyl-2-acetyl-sn-glyceryl-3-phosphorylcholine as the active component (a new class of lipid chemical mediators)" J Biol Chem 254(19):9355 PMID 489536
  2. Podrez EA, Poliakov E, et al. (2002) "Identification of a novel family of oxidized phospholipids that serve as ligands for the macrophage scavenger receptor CD36" J Biol Chem 277(41):38503. PMID 12105195
  3. Vogel G, Eichenberger W (1992) Betaine lipids in lower plants. Biosynthesis of DGTS and DGTA in Ochromonas danica (Chrysophyceae) and the possible role of DGTS in lipid metabolism. Plant Cell Physiol. 33:427 pdf
  4. Moore TS, Du Z, Chen Z (2001) Membrane lipid biosynthesis in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. In vitro biosynthesis of diacylglyceryltrimethylhomoserine. Plant Physiol. 125(1):423 PMID 11154349

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