Reference:Duk M:Reinhold BB:Reinhold VN:Kusnierz-Alejska G:Lisowska E:,J. Biol. Chem.,2001,276,40574


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TITLE "Structure of a neutral glycosphingolipid recognized by human antibodies in polyagglutinable erythrocytes from the rare NOR phenotype"
Title Structure of a neutral glycosphingolipid recognized by human antibodies in polyagglutinable erythrocytes from the rare NOR phenotype
     (Click a name to see records for each author.)
Journal The Journal of Biological Chemistry     
(410 pages)
Year 2001
Volume 276
Page 40574

Metabolite information in this article

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Biospecies ID Compound Name Reference Comment
Primates LBSG4D05004 This page