Reference:Klenk E:Lauenstein I:,Hoppe Seylers Z. Physiol. Chem.,1953,295,164


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TITLE "テ彙er die glykolipoide und sphingomyeline des stromas der pferdeerythrocyten [Glycolipids and sphingomyelins in the stroma of horse erythrocytes]"
Title テ彙er die glykolipoide und sphingomyeline des stromas der pferdeerythrocyten [Glycolipids and sphingomyelins in the stroma of horse erythrocytes]
     (Click a name to see records for each author.)
Journal Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift fur physiologische Chemie     
(27 pages)
Year 1953
Volume 295
Page 164

Old LipidBank reference [1238]

Metabolite information in this article

[hide]Reported Metabolites, References
Biospecies ID Compound Name Reference Comment
Mammalia LBSG5002003 This page
Mammalia LBSG5Q03120 This page