Reference:Law KL:Smith DE:,Arch. Biochem. Biophys.,1987,258,315


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TITLE "III6NeuAcLc4Cer in human SW1116 colorectal carcinoma cells: a possible oncofetal antigen that is not dependent on Lewis gene expression"
Title III6NeuAcLc4Cer in human SW1116 colorectal carcinoma cells: a possible oncofetal antigen that is not dependent on Lewis gene expression
     (Click a name to see records for each author.)
Journal Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics     
(30 pages)
Year 1987
Volume 258
Page 315

Old LipidBank reference [1216]

Metabolite information in this article

[hide]Reported Metabolites, References
Biospecies ID Compound Name Reference Comment
Primates LBSG3B05101 This page