Reference:Levery SB:Holmes EH:Harris DD:Hakomori SI:,Biochemistry,1992,31,1069


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TITLE "1H NMR studies of a biosynthetic lacto-ganglio hybrid glycosphingolipid: confirmation of structure, interpretation of "anomalous" chemical shifts, and evidence for interresidue amide-amide hydrogen bonding"
Title 1H NMR studies of a biosynthetic lacto-ganglio hybrid glycosphingolipid: confirmation of structure, interpretation of "anomalous" chemical shifts, and evidence for interresidue amide-amide hydrogen bonding
     (Click a name to see records for each author.)
Journal Biochemistry     
(73 pages)
Year 1992
Volume 31
Page 1069

Metabolite information in this article

[hide]Reported Metabolites, References
Biospecies ID Compound Name Reference Comment
Actinopterygii, Mammalia LBSG3004001 This page