Reference:Sakakura C:Igarashi Y:Anand JK:Sadozai KK:Hakomori S:,J. Biol. Chem.,1996,271,946


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TITLE "Plasmalopsychosine of human brain mimics the effect of nerve growth factor by activating its receptor kinase and mitogen-activated protein kinase in PC12 cells. Induction of neurite outgrowth and prevention of apoptosis"
Title Plasmalopsychosine of human brain mimics the effect of nerve growth factor by activating its receptor kinase and mitogen-activated protein kinase in PC12 cells. Induction of neurite outgrowth and prevention of apoptosis
     (Click a name to see records for each author.)
Journal The Journal of Biological Chemistry     
(410 pages)
Year 1996
Volume 271
Page 946

Old LipidBank reference [1129]

Metabolite information in this article

[hide]Reported Metabolites, References
Biospecies ID Compound Name Reference Comment
Primates LBSG1001002 This page
Primates LBSG1001006 This page