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- TITLE "Human tumor-associated Le (a) -Le (x) hybrid carbohydrate antigen IV3 (Gal beta 1->3 [Fuc alpha 1->4] GlcNAc) III3FucnLc4 defined by monoclonal antibody 43-9F: enzymatic synthesis, structural characterization, and comparative reactivity with various antibodies"
Title | Human tumor-associated Le (a) -Le (x) hybrid carbohydrate antigen IV3 (Gal beta 1->3 [Fuc alpha 1->4] GlcNAc) III3FucnLc4 defined by monoclonal antibody 43-9F: enzymatic synthesis, structural characterization, and comparative reactivity with various antibodies |
Author(s) |
(Click a name to see records for each author.) |
Journal |
Biochemistry (73 pages) |
Year | 1994 |
Volume | 33 |
Page | 10672 |
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