Lipid contents exhibit high dynamic range. Detection of scarce elements is difficult as it is due to ion suppressions; different extraction methods are necessary depending on purposes.
- Sample preparation ... extraction depending on purposes
- Analytical strategy ... selection of platforms and methods
- Computational analysis ... qualitative/quantitative and multivariate analysis
- 前処理 ... 目的に応じたサンプル調製
- 分析 ... 装置と測定方法の選択
- 数理解析 ... 定性と定量ならびに多変量解析
Amount & Species
abundant few

scarce many
Sample Preparation
Analytical Strategy
Strategy |
Method |
Type |
Global (detection of all lipids)
LC/MS Data dependent scan (LC/MS/MS, LC/MS3)
Hybrid type MS
- quadrupole-time-of-flight (Q-TOF)
Hybrid type MS
- ion-trap (IT)-TOF or Fourier-Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance (FT-ICR)
- LTQ-Orbitrap (Theremo-Fisher Scientific)
Focused (focusing on partial structures)
Precursor ion scan Neutral loss scan
Triple-quadrupole MS
- 4000 Q-TRAP or 5500 Q-TRAP (Applied Biosystems)
- TSQ Quantum or Vantage (Thermo- Fisher Scientific)
Targeted (targeting by molecular and fragment ions)
Multiple reaction monitoring (MRM), Selected reaction monitoring(SRM)
Computational Analysis
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