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IDs and Links | |
LipidBank | DFA8007 |
LipidMaps | LMFA01070011 |
CAS | |
KEGG | {{{KEGG}}} |
KNApSAcK | {{{KNApSAcK}}} |
mol | LBF18106EO01 |
9,10-EODE | |
![]() | |
Structural Information | |
9,10-Epoxy-12-octadecenoic acid | |
| |
Formula | C18H32O3 |
Exact Mass | 296.23514489 |
Average Mass | 296.44488 |
Physicochemical Information | |
In autooxidated methyllinoleate Neff_WE et al.. A major secondary product by autooxidation in a lipid film of linoleate Wu_GS et al.. | |
Antimicrobial compounds for Piricularia oryzae, a pathogenic fungus of rice blast disease (Imochi-byo) Kato_T et al. | |
8, 9-; 10, 11- and 11, 12-Epoxide were detected in autooxidated methyl linoleate as well as 9, 10-epoxide Neff_WE et al.. | |
Spectral Information | |
Mass Spectra | GC-EI-MS Neff_WE et al.: m/e= 310[M], 279[M-OCH3], 199[M-CH3(CH2)4CH=CHCH2], 153[M-(CH2)7-COOCH3], GC-EI-MS(after solvolysation-trimethylsilylation in MeOH) Wu_GS et al. |
UV Spectra | |
IR Spectra | Olefinic(3002cm-1), cis unsaturation(718cm-1), cis epoxide(835-815cm-1) Neff_WE et al. |
NMR Spectra | 1H-NMR Neff_WE et al.: olefinic protons(5.44ppm), isolated cis epoxide(2.92ppm) |
Other Spectra | |
Chromatograms |
[hide]Reported Metabolites, References | ||||||||||||||||||||