LipidBank Database
LipidBank Database is an official data resource of JCBL (Japanese Conference of Biochemistry of Lipids). Database contents are curated by a committee under JCBL. For citing this resource, please use the following information. |
LipidBankデータベースは 日本脂質生化学会 の公式データベースです。内容はJCBLの構築委員会によって管理されています。 引用される場合は以下の文献を利用してください。 |
- References
- History: Yasugi E, Seyama Y "Lipid database "LipidBank" and international collaboration" Tanpakushitsu Kakusan Koso. 52(11), 1357-1362, 2007 (in Japanese; 日本語)
- Usage: Yasugi E, Watanabe K "LIPIDBANK for Web, the newly developed lipid database" Tanpakushitsu Kakusan Koso. 47(7), 837-841, 2002 (in Japanese; 日本語)
- Glycolipid: Watanabe K., Yasugi E. and Oshima M. "How to search the glycolipid data in LIPIDBANK for Web: the newly developed lipid database" Japan Trend Glycosci. and Glycotechnol. 12, 175-184, 2000
- LipidBank History & Committee page JCBL:DBmeeting
- Related projects
LipidBank Class Overview | ||
Sterol Lipids
Prenol Lipids
Biogenic substances insoluble to water are collectively called as lipid. Lipid is generally classified into the following three types.